As the Research Integrity Officer (RIO), Kristen is responsible for implementation of the institution’s policies and procedures for addressing allegations of scholarly and research misconduct. She handles allegations of research misconduct across the UVA research community. Kristen promotes RCR awareness and resources across the University and UVA Health. She provides research ethics advice to investigators, research personnel, the IRB and other entities. She has a Master's in Public Affairs and Certificate in Education Law from Indiana University; a bachelors and juris doctorate from Washington University in St. Louis; and certification in as a Corporate Compliance and Ethics Professional. She brings years of experience working on research integrity cases for the federal government and private sector. Among the awards she earned for other research grant roles, she was awarded an Exceptional Achievement Award for a Leadership and Guidance for a Grants Summit, awards for federal grant fraud cases, and an I.G. Award for Advancing Excellence and Innovation in Grants and Procurement Fraud by the Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services. Before joining UVA, Kristen served as an adjunct professor for the American University Washington College of Law and also taught various components of the responsible conduct of research to different universities.